This meeting will be the second annual meeting ‘Changing Routes’ on the 13th of June in Wageningen. Previously, at World Refugee Day in 2017, the first annual meeting was organised. It looked at how to deal with the present and future global migration streams by bringing together existing networks, building coalitions and putting together the first agenda. The key findings of 2017 stated that ‘It is necessary to start actions ‘ and ‘bring knowledge together in concrete situations’.

To do so, this year’s Changing Routes will focus on actual building further on projects in the field with initiators, partners and supporters.

The envisioned project is:

  • Hosting refugees in Northern Uganda NTU/ADPC- Greenfield cites pilot Jordan, Greenfield cites- Social Entrepreneurship UNITAR- Migration and livelihood, Ethiopia.

These projects all want to give an answer to mass migration and develop secure livelihoods for all people, all along this chain of migration.

Check the (preliminary) programme here.

You can register by sending an email to

The provisional program is the following: 

  • 10.00-10.30h walk-in, LUMEN building, Lumen 1 and 2
  • 10.30-12.00h Opening session

         Getting to know all the partners and initiatives

  1. Introduction, Marian Stuiver
  2. UNITAR, Margreeth van der Pijl
  3. Greenfield cites Joris Banninga
  4. Ethiopia, Gambella region, PIP approach, Saskia Visser
  5. Northern Uganda, Gerd Junne


  • 12.00-13.00 Pause
  • 13.00-15.30h Work/parallel sessions
  1. - Hosting refugees in Northern Uganda (TNU / ADPC) Gerd Junne / Teun Vogel, WUR: Hedwig Bruggeman, CDI (?)
  2. - Greenfieldcities pilot Jordan (Greenfieldcities) GFC: Hedzer Roodenburg Vermaat / Joris Benninga, WUR: Marian Stuiver
  3. - SES4Food (program & pilot area?) (UNITAR) UNITAR: Margreeth van der Pijl WUR: Roel During
  4. - Migration and livelihoods, Gambella region, Ethiopia WUR: Bertram de Rooij/Saskia Visser/Ingrid Coninx
  • 15.30-16.00 Plenary feedback: Actions and agreements, Joint closure
  • 16.00 Drinks

Intended output: 4 concrete project proposals with action list and partnerships for implementing the projects