18 October 2018

UN Secretary-General urges for cooperation over natural resources

For the first time on October 16th the UN Secretary-General António Guterres devoted a full speech in the UNSC on the necessity for states to cooperate over natural resources and to use them as sources of development to strengthen peace. Climate change and its implications for security and conflicts can now be expected to feature more prominently in the UNSC Summit on climate change that is scheduled for September 2019.

At the UN Security-Council meeting the UN Secretary-General emphasised how competition and unfair distribution of natural resources often have been drivers of conflicts in the past. Fast-growing population and increased consumption in combination with the effects of climate change and environmental degradation have contributed to foster tensions and domestic conflicts in various counties of the world . He also pointed out how good practices of sharing natural resources have promoted cooperation and development for states and communities.

The Planetary Security Conference in February 2019 will gather experts and high officials to discuss  the implications of climate change on the  topics of urbanisation, geopolitics and energy transition, land restoration and peace. With The Hague Declaration the previous edition of the conference provided clear and pragmatic points to address future challenges to climate change.



Photo credit: Peace Keeping UN