The Heat and the Fury

On the frontlines of climate violence

As a journalist on the climate security beat, Peter Schwartzstein has been chased by kidnappers, badly beaten, detained by police, and told, in no uncertain terms, that he was no longer welcome in certain countries.

Russia’s war in Ukraine has caused extensive devastation, including the destruction or damage of homes, schools, hospitals, and other critical public facilities, leaving citizens without essential resources such as water, electricity, and healthcare.
The Nile Delta, the cradle of historical, agricultural, and cultural heritage for Egypt, is on the cusp of an ecological disaster largely driven by climate change. The densely populated Delta is home to half of Egypt’s population, close to 50 million people.
PSI is pleased to launch a new, updated map of climate security practices around the world. Over the past two decades, climate security research has significantly advanced in understanding and addressing the security risks posed by climate change.
The 2022 invasion of Ukraine shocked Europe out of its security slumber. Suddenly, European Union member states became painfully aware of Europe’s security risks and dependencies.
Concepts, strategies and partnershipsAt the start of each academic year, the Faculty of Military Sciences (FMS) at the Netherlands Defence Academy releases the Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies (NL ARMS), presenting a segment of its research act
Somalia is one of the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, in part because of the enduring effects of over three decades of violent conflict. From mid 2021 to early 2023 Somalia experienced its most severe drought on record.