Forging a green shield

While green innovations could play a pivotal role in the EU’s defence sector, the two have so far hardly been connected. The EU institutions are working hard to come up with new communications on the upcoming 
India’s perspectives on climate security are usually characterized by its positions on the issue in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). However, the Indian narratives on climate security are shaped by multiple factors - both at the international and domestic level.
On 30 January 2024, NATO hosted its annual Climate Change and Security Roundtable in Brussels.
On 28 November, PSI spoke to Catherine Wong, who serves as global team leader for Climate and Security Risk and the United Nations Development Programme (
The following text is an excerpt from an event summary by the Center for Climate and Security. This report was written by Siena Cicarelli, Patricia Parera, and Ethan Won
This summer the 3rd iteration of the International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding will be hosted in the Hague. It will be hosted jointly by the Environmental Peacebuilding Association (EnPAx) and the Grotius Center for International Legal Studies at Leiden University.