After having worked for conservation organisation IUCN and in a National Park in Malawi for a couple of years, Dominique Noome (34) co-founded the Ranger Campus (RC) Foundation to address what she perceived as a flaw in the system. As the main line of defence for the world’s biodiversity, rangers often struggle to get access to adequate training in order to perform their job safely and effectively.
RC supports wildlife rangers and their management in the world’s protected areas through the e-learning platform Ranger Academy and LEAD Ranger, collaborating with two other organisations to train local instructors who then cascade the skills down to their peers.
In addition to her work for Ranger Campus, Dominique is also a Functional Specialist in the Royal Netherlands Army and member of the Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change. Through a series of publications and events on this topic she aims to raise institutional awareness and foster action to mitigate the impact of climate change in international security.