WG 7: Resilience

Building Resilience by Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Peacebuilding

The main objective of this working group is to foster exchange on how to link climate change adaptation and peacebuilding. The main target groups are the larger communities of practice on resilience building, climate change adaptation and peacebuilding. The working group will focus on emerging lessons learned and first experiences in linking these topics on different levels (analysis, strategy, planning and implementation). This includes mainstreaming approaches such conflict-sensitivity in climate change adaptation projects or climate-proofing of peacebuilding activities as well as integrated strategy development and programming that tries to achieve multiple impacts at the same time.


  • Share experiences and first lessons learned on how to link climate change adaptation and peacebuilding on  analysis, strategy, planning and implementation level

  • Identify key obstacles to effectively link climate change adaptation and peacebuilding

Co-organised by

Logo Adeplhi

Working Group Contact

Lukas Rüttinger (adelphi)


Lukas Rüttinger (adelphi)

Dennis Tänzler (adelphi)


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