Analytical Tools to Address Climate Change and Security (C3)

Links between climate change impacts and security have been studied for over a decade, but still cause more confusion than knowledge. Can we better understand how climate change could or should interact with security issues? The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) proposes a comprehensive and qualitative approach with their newest project, the Observatory of Climate Change Impacts on Defence and Security. This four-year project works to better understand, access and prevent direct/indirect risks and threats related to climate change impacts by observing trends, anticipating risks and adapting responses and policies. At this panel, set up in an engaging hybrid of training/learning and storytelling, IRIS will present their work and explore some practical recommendations for how participants can strengthen their efforts and collaborations to address these future challenges and risks. This event is targeted at experts and scholars, as well as national security actors from developed and developing countries.understand how climate change could or should interact with security issues? The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) proposes a comprehensive and qualitative approach with their newest project, the Observatory of Climate Change Impacts on Defence and Security. This four-year project works to better understand, access and prevent direct/indirect risks and threats related to climate change impacts by observing trends, anticipating changes and risks and adapting responses and policies. At this panel, set up in an engaging hybrid of training/learning and storytelling, IRIS will present their work and explore some practical recommendations for how participants can strengthen their efforts and collaborations to address these future challenges and risks. This event is targeted at experts and scholars, as well as national security actors from developed and developing countries. 


• Share knowledge and experiences from work aiming to increase understanding of climate-

security nexus and to design new analytical tools 

• Compile a set of good practices helping national security actors to manage climate security


• Identify specific challenges faced by national security bodies in developing countries,

particularly Asia and Africa

• Consolidate a community of people working on planetary security to strengthen the

knowledge-policy interface 
