15 November 2016

Global Climate and Security Consensus Statement

In a joint Global Climate and Security Consensus Statement issued by the Climate Security Working Group, military leaders and experts have called for world leaders to address climate risk in their national, regional and international security planning.
07 November 2016

COP 22 side event 'Climate security and climate resilience - What role for diplomacy?'

From 7-18 November 2016, experts on climate diplomacy, climate resilience, local climate action, and more, are in Marrakech for the COP22 discussions and key side-events. In cooperation with the EU, the German Federal Foreign Office, NEPAD and others, adelphi convenes several side-events on climate diplomacy.
28 October 2016

The Hague Roundtable on Climate and Security

On 25 October 2016 the Hague Round table took place. At the meeting a report was presented on climate impacts on political stability, livelihoods and conflict.
21 September 2016

PSI Online Launches

We are pleased to unveil the new and improved online nexus for the Planetary Security Initiative. This website is initially focused towards catering to the upcoming 2016 Planetary Security Conference, held on the 5th and 6th of December, at the Peace Palace, The Hague.

21 September 2016

Pre-event film screening 'The Age of Consequences'

Before the Planetary Security Conference, the PSI is delighted to invite you to the screening of the 'Age of Consequences' on the evening of the 4th of December 2016.

Location: Filmhuis, Spui 191, 2511 BN in The Hague (Room 1)



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