As climate change and policy responses grow more intense, prominent, and high-stakes, opportunities will grow for state and non-state actors to spread mis- and disinformation.

Defence and Climate Change

The strategy of the German Defence Ministry to prepare for climate change Extreme temperatures, melting ice, natural catastrophes: the consequences of climate change are wide and have an impact on security and defence as well.
We must invest in them now to prevent conflict Peace makes for poor headlines, but serves as a testament to the hard work of River Basin Organizations.
Climate Risk Management Guide for Chiefs of Defence Staff Climate change manifests through various hazards, from severe climate and weather events like floods, storms, droughts or wildfires, to gradual shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns, ice melt
The key takeaways from the European Commission's communication on managing climate risks Climate resilience is a matter of maintaining societal functions, but also of competitiveness for economies and companies, and thus jobs.
The key takeaways from the first European Climate Risk Assessment Report by the European Environment Agency On the 11th of March 2024 the European Environment Agency published its first Climate Risk Assessment Report, describing in detail the current
The sixth UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) has adopted a consensus resolution that aims to reinvigorate UNEP’s work on the environmental dimensions of armed conflicts to make it more responsive to global environmental challenges. The resolution, which was proposed by Ukraine, and w