19 March 2018

The Netherlands places water on UN Security Council agenda

The contribution of water scarcity to conflict is often underestimated. According to Minister Kaag “water scarcity or an excess of water does not only pose an acute threat to society, but it can lead to violent conflicts and increased migration." Taking the Lake Chad crisis as an example, The Netherlands will devote explicit attention to water-security at the UN Security Council in New York.
19 March 2018

Small island states bringing climate change to the UN Security Council

This policy brief discusses how climate change related security challenges facing small island states have been addressed by the UN Security Council. Rising sea level poses a direct threat to their existence and intensified hurricanes resulted in chaos in the Carribean in 2017. This also has repercussions for international peace and security. Steps forward and alternatives are identified for addressing this agenda.
15 March 2018

Interview on Climate-Security at the UN Security Council

Prof. Ken Conca, Professor for International Relations at the American University, shares his view on the problems the UN Security Council faces in incorporating global climate-related security threats.
06 March 2018

Sustaining peace in a climate of change

From the global refugee crisis to terrorism, climate change can compound conflict and insecurity drivers, whilst conflict makes coping with climate shocks ever harder. Failure to address the drivers of these conjoined risks is forging new risks and ever more complex emergencies. Against this backdrop, Ms. Vivekananda argues that a UN report on peace-building ignores climate change, and thus missing a key to a peaceful world.
06 March 2018

Linking climate change adaptation, peacebuilding and conflict prevention

This policy brief explores how climate change adaptation and peacebulding could play a role in promoting peace and preventing climate-related conflicts. For practitioners, the integration of peacebuilding and climate change adaptation still remains a challenge. To make progress, this policy brief outlines key issues that must be resolved.
05 March 2018

Resilient cities, safe societies, and urban governance from a data-driven angle

Consortium partner HCSS examines the relationships between urbanization and conflict from multiple angles, based on data-driven research. Subsequently, the study considers the consequences for urban governance, and provides suggestions on how cities and national governments can improve cooperation on urban security together with other relevant stakeholders.
26 February 2018

EU takes the lead in Climate Security

On 26 February 2018, the EU Foreign Affairs Council adopted conclusions on climate diplomacy. It marks the formal signaling of EU’s Foreign Ministers to make the nexus between climate and security a priority.
23 February 2018

Public event in The Hague: the Impact of Water Stress on Global Security

On February 27,2018, The Hague Based JASON Institute will hold a public event on the "Impact of Water Stress on Global Security". PSI consortium expert Tobias von Lossow (Clingendael) will give a lecture on "Water and Conflict: Scarcity, Dispute and Weaponization".
16 February 2018

Initiatives politiques de renforcement des systèmes judiciaires au Mali

Le centre du Mali est miné par des litiges fonciers et des droits contestés relatifs aux sites de pâturage et d’abreuvement. La communauté internationale sous-estime ces litiges. Pourtant, comme le montre la présente note de politique, les litiges locaux relatifs aux ressources ne sont pas de simples affaires personnelles mais plutôt des facteurs déstabilisants pour des communautés entières.
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