23 April 2018

The geography of future water challenges

Where in the world will people’s lives be affected by water issues by the year 2050? What is the impact of the growing global population, further urbanisation and climate change on these water risks, the food supply and migration?
20 April 2018

Terrain fertile pour les conflits au Mali : changement climatique et surexploitation des ressources

Les conflits locaux pour les ressources naturelles au Mali débordent sur d’autres régions et Ils ne sont pas toujours circonscrits ce qui crées le risque de conflits ailleurs. Pourtant, ceux-ci sont souvent traités séparément au lieu d’être envisagés de façon globale. Cette note de politique analyse les différents conflits locaux et régionaux liés à l’utilisation de ressources et leurs répercussions internes au Mali.
20 April 2018

Changement climatique, inégalité et conflit, Approches pour renforcer l’adaptation du Mali aux changements climatiques

Le Mali est particulièrement vulnérable aux effets du changement climatique. Afn de réduire cette vulnérabilité, le nombre d’affrontements violents entre les différents utilisateurs des terres et d’augmenter la capacité d’adaptation des différents groupes, le gouvernement malien devrait envisager à promouvoir l’hétérogénéité ethnique, d’endosser le mode de vie pastorale, de renforcer une synergie positive entre les différents groupes, de créer un cadre unifé de gestion des ressources et de promouvoir une saine administration.
20 April 2018

Strengthening the African climate security agenda - Interview with Aliou Dia, UNDP

Security in the African continent is severely undermined by climate-related impacts such as droughts, floods and conflicts for resources. However, deep-seated ad-hoc approaches hinder a long-term perspective over the effects of these shocks on the continent's development. Aliou Dia, Africa Team Leader Climate Change and Energy at UNDP, stresses the need to mainstream climate security in national and regional agendas as a development issue.
16 April 2018

A new forthcoming book on Climate Change and the UN Security Council

Edited by Shirley V. Scott and Charlotte Ku, this forward-looking book examines the scope and options for the United Nations Security Council to respond to climate insecurity. A cross-disciplinary team of experts addresses the range of political and legal considerations involved, including, the scope for adapting existing Council tools to address the challenge of climate change, the legality and legitimacy of doing so, the attitude of the P5 and EU, and Council action to date.
12 April 2018

US Defense & climate security an Interview with Sharon Burke

Increasing vulnerability of coastal military bases, an opening polar route in the Arctic, and global instability are main threats that bring climate change to the focus of the US Defense Department. Sharon Burke, Senior Advisor to New America and former Assistant Secretary for US Defense, describes how the military balances preparedness for climate impacts with challenges arising from the current US government.
11 April 2018

Lake Chad Climate-Fragility Risk Assessment Briefing and Risk Profile Launch

The Planetary Security Initiative, SIPRI and Adelphi have the pleasure to announce a side event during the 2018 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, on the 7th of May 2018. This side event will present up-to-date findings from the project, plus a briefing on a joint field mission and an outline of next steps for action on climate-fragility risks in Lake Chad.
05 April 2018

UNSC reaffirms climate change as a driver of fragility and conflict

On March 31st, 2018, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously the Resolution 2408,  reaffirming climate change as one of the factors that destabilize the region and induce conflict in Somalia.
03 April 2018

CLIMATE CHANGE, MIGRATION & ME: The youth at the core of the global challenges of this century

On September 18th, 2017, 25 participants joined Climate Change, Migration and Me, a youth-driven initiative, led by the Netherlands National IHP-HWRP Committee, on climate change and migration issues. The prizes were a chance to participate in the UN Climate Conference (COP23) in Bonn or a chance to join the Planetary Security Conference, 2017, in The Hague.
27 March 2018

PSC interview: causes and climate-sensitive approaches to natural resource conflicts in Mali

In this interview, Planetary Security Conference speaker Shreya Mitra stresses the necessity of analyzing the underlying causes and climate-sensitive approaches when responding to natural resource conflicts. As conflicts over natural resources play out in Mali, spillover effects can be felt throughout the Sahel region.
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